Monday, July 10, 2017

Moving forward

Hey everyone!
Since my last post I've been okay but my back issues don't seem to be getting better. I was really hoping I'd slowly heal and feel normal again but unfortunately that's not the case. If I turn to the left too fast or at the wrong angle I get a sharp pain and it feels like I am paralyzed for a second. The same thing happens if I bend wrong. If I tuck my left leg under my butt when I'm sitting (one of the ways I'm usually most comfortable) when I try to take my leg from under me some times I get stuck. Like I literally can't move temporarily. I really though these issues would go away but now I'm just getting more and more worried that there might be a serious issue or that one time I might really hurt myself and not be able to move. I called my PCP to get a referral for a spine specialist but unfortunately she is booked until the end of August. I'm really hoping that I can get the referral without having to see my PCP.
Every joint hurts and my body aches all the time. I try my hardest to push through the pain and not let it show but I'm exhausted. I never feel like I get enough rest but I also have to face the reality that chemo damages you permanently and this might be some thing I deal with for the rest of my life. It's very easy for everyone else to move on and forget what I've been through but I will never forget and I will never be the same. I just really hope the issues with my back can be resolved quickly so I can just move on!

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